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"Die Erkenntnis" Slideshow Camera Arts


In my slideshow I wanted to tell the story of a young woman who first grows up happily. This

is reflected in the pictures of nature. They stand for peace and balance. Later, as a young woman, she finds herself in a society full of constraints and norms, to which she must adapt.

She becomes an object that is shaped and changed, though she does not want it. The peak/highlight of the story is her toxic relationship, in which she is fully owned and

controlled. Later, in the slideshow, the surrealism sets in. It stands for self-reflection. She reflects on her life, does not recognize herself and realizes that she is no longer happy. The

fast-paced images, towards the end, are flashbacks of her past. In the first flashback, she

remembers the time when she became an object and realizes that she was already unhappy at that time. In the second flashback, she finally recognizes when and where she was happy:

during her childhood, which is reflected by nature. So she finds her way back to herself. I

tried to underline that relief with the sound of a breath that sets in, in the end.

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